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Hải Phòng
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Giới thiệu về tác phẩm

Two small boats, fishermen anchor their boats hastily and then come back home with heavy strings of fish in hands. It’s falling into the darkness. The boats look forward to the morning to see again their owner....
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Thể loại: Painting
Phong cách: Realism
Chất liệu: Oils on Canvas

Giới thiệu tác giả

Pham Anh Tuan, born in 1981, is one of the prominent painters of Hai Phong. Like many other painters of the port land city, the coastal landscape with its wharves, boats, idyllic street corners and the life of fishermen are endless sources of inspiration for his work. Pham Anh Tuan prefers to use neutral colors with gentle and emotional brush style, not focus on detailed representation but more on evoking space. Space in his paintings whether it is a vast landscape on river, or a narrow corner of an old wall always evokes the feeling of stillness and silence as if they are immutable. People or objects if appear in his painting are also very quiet, and fit themselves in that space, adding to the sense of redundancy and loneliness.
Phạm Anh Tuấn

Tác phẩm cùng tác giả

Oil / 2023 / C 85 × R 115
Hải Phòng
Oil / 2022 / C 80 × R 100
Hải Phòng
Oil / 2022 / C 80 × R 100
Hải Phòng
Oil / 2022 / C 90 × R 140
Hải Phòng

Tác phẩm cùng loại

Oils on Canvas / 2024 / C 120 × R 120
Hà Nội
Cho thuê
Oils on Canvas / 2024 / C 90 × R 120
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Oils on Canvas / 2024 / C 100 × R 100
Cho thuêBản in
Oils on Canvas / 2024 / C 100 × R 100
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