Imaginary Urban Area 04

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Giới thiệu về tác phẩm

It is a blend of people and mannequin, which is half human, half mannequin. Mannequins qppear much in the modern urban area and society. Sometimes, we feel mannequins are very human and then in return humans are very mannequin. Like mannequins, they are insensible, get out of human nature and human culture in the modern society. Vietnamese society has drastic changes of economy, culuture, morals and tradition… whether these changes are negative or not… It seems to have “a new kind” of people who look a lot like manneqins, insensible???. “Imaginary urban area” – means illusion – illusion about the spirit in the modern life. People recognize “imaginary things” invading and influencing them a lot. Sometimes they don’t realize what is real or illusive; “reality is not real”, “reality is illusive”, which is clearly reflected in modern societies, especially when people want to face to their reality from themselves, are tranquil again to realize the line between fact and fiction.
Artwork form is multi-form of space and emotion, which are mixed and alternated with each other, multi-space and mlti-time. This form is considered “spakling in the space”. On the surface of artwork, there are real details, but all of them are in an unreal general structure.
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Thể loại: Painting
Chất liệu: Oils on Canvas

Giới thiệu tác giả

- Name: Dao Quoc Huy
- Born: 1971
- A painting lecturer in Vietnam University of Fine Arts
- A member of Vietnam Fine Art Association
- A Commissioner of Art Commission with major in Painting – Vietnam Fine Art Association
- Member of Art Commission of Nationwide Fine Art Exhibition for students in Cultural and Art Schools 2009
- Member of Art Commission of Nationwide Fine Art Exhibition 2010
- Member of Art Commission of Nationwide Young Artist Fine Art Festival 2011 – 2014
- Member of Art Commission of Young Talented Contest of nationwide Cultural and Art Schools 2012
- Member of Art Commission of Capital Art Exhibition 2013
- Member of Art Commission of Nationwide Children Painting Exhibition 2013 – 2015
- Member of Art Commission of ENIKI Children Painting Exhibition 2014 – 2015
- Member of Art Commission of Vietnam Fine Art Awards 2015
- Address: No 19 Phu Dong Thien Vuong Str., Hai Ba Trung Dist., Hanoi City
- Email:
Đào Quốc Huy

Tác phẩm cùng tác giả

Oils on Canvas / 2009 / C 40 × R 40
Cho thuê
Dream 04
Dream 04
Oils on Canvas / 2009 / C 40 × R 40
Cho thuê
Oils on Canvas / 2009 / C 40 × R 40
Cho thuê
Dream 02
Dream 02
Oils on Canvas / 2009 / C 40 × R 40
Cho thuê

Tác phẩm cùng loại

Acrylic / 2025 / C 100 × R 100
Thừa Thiên Huế
Cho thuêBản in
Oils on Canvas / 2020 / C 120 × R 80
Oils on Canvas / 2024 / C 120 × R 120
Hà Nội
Cho thuê
Oils on Canvas / 2022 / C 80 × R 120
Hà Nội
Cho thuêBản in

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