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The artwork is a part of the series Four Seasons which using Birch trees as main subject. Impasto strokes are used to express the texture and the strong primary colors are strongly applied....
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Thể loại: Painting

Giới thiệu tác giả

Phan Hien begins to put her mind to long term leisure Oil painting as she paints for months during the Singapore national Circuit Breaker for Covid-19 in 2020. She cultivates a deep passion in nature and greenery as she enjoys living in Singapore, which is known for being a green city. She also brings about romance autumn from Hanoi, her birth and childhood city in the 80s. The nature and floral ideas are general themes in her recent works in 2019 to 2020. Japanese woodblock scenery was a main interest in her earlier leisure paintings from 1998 to 2013 when she studied at Hanoi Architectural University where fine arts is one of her major subjects and practiced in Construction industry..
Her latest works show strong influence from Contemporary Realism and Photo-realism genres and personal intention to bring the “depth of field” effect well-known in modern photography into her paintings. As she develops her “Alla prima” and blending techniques, her paintings turn from more “Artsy” with “Impasto” strokes to a more subtle and realistic feel. The colorful touch of primary colors harvested from Japanese woodblock art is indeed presented in all paintings that also depicts her personal character which treasures the beauty in life through all up and down.
Phan Hien

Tác phẩm cùng tác giả

Đã bán
Oil / 2019 / C 59.4 × R 42

Tác phẩm cùng loại

Canvas / 2025 / C 80 × R 100
Cao Bằng
Acrylic / 2025 / C 100 × R 100
Thừa Thiên Huế
Cho thuêBản in
Oils on Canvas / 2024 / C 80 × R 100
Cho thuêBản in
Đã bán
Oil / 2024 / C 60 × R 90
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