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Movement in mind stops by image of closeness and acquaintance. Facing with peace iss pleasant....
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Thể loại: Painting
Chủ đề: AnimalDogs
Phong cách: Modernism
Chất liệu: AcrylicCanvas

Giới thiệu tác giả

Ly Hung Anh, born in 1975 in Hanoi, is known for his simple, less-use-of-colors but rich-in-expressing-emotion style of painting. Ly Hung Anh selfstudied painting at home and learned from peer artists such as Hoang Hai Anh, Doan Hoang Lam, etc. His early works mainly depicted his family members, with the use of only black, white and gray colors demonstrated his ability to include extensive texture to the piece. His paintings are concerned with close subjects in everyday life. For Ly Hung Anh, not only human but the small objects from the chair, old shoes, to the waiting room at the morgue ... have their own fate and soul. Since his debut at the Asia Awards sponsored by Phillip Morris in 2001, Ly Hung Anh has had solo and group exhibitions throughout Asia, including a solo exhibition in 2011 chosen by Ernst & Young Asian Art Outreach Program, Singapore.
Lý Hùng Anh

Tác phẩm cùng loại

Acrylic / 2025 / C 100 × R 100
Thừa Thiên Huế
Cho thuêBản in
Acrylic / 2024 / C 60 × R 80
Hưng Yên
Acrylic / 2022 / C 90 × R 120
Acrylic / 2022 / C 80 × R 110

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